Friday 30 March 2007


Most people have a limited understanding of the positive results that can be achieved in professionally controlled hypnosis sessions. I would like to dispel some of the myths and answer the most frequently asked questions about hypnosis.

How does hypnosis for smoking work? Our minds work on two levels – the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind. This is why it is so quick and easy to change habits of a lifetime with hypnosis.

Will hypnosis work for me? Generally speaking, every person is “hypnotisable.” That is, people with an IQ of at least 70, and no severe mental disorders. Therefore, virtually anyone can achieve successful results using hypnosis.
How will I know if I am hypnotized?
Most people can’t tell the difference between the hypnotized and the waking states. Some people feel relaxed and lethargic, others feel a lightness. One thing that people do notice is an inexplicable change in their daily behaviour.

Is hypnosis safe? Hypnosis for Stopping Smoking is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. Hypnosis is not sleep, nor can you get “stuck” in a state of hypnosis. You can’t be made to do something against your will! Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable experience.

How does hypnosis help me to kick the smoking habit? Because smoking is a habit, it is controlled by the unconscious mind. Since hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) work directly with the unconscious, this is the only method that makes sense! We can help you effortlessly transition into the healthy lifestyle of a happy non-smoker

"Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little". (New Scientist, Volume 136 issue 1845 31 Oct 1992, page 6)

What are the other options for stopping smoking?

  • Acupuncture up to 25% success rate

  • Zyban (Drug) with its side effects, up to 21% success rate

  • Nicotine patches (with their side effects) up to 13%

  • Nicotine Gum (with side effects) up to 11%

  • Champix (Drug) up to 22% (with side effects)

Hopefully the above will aide you in you decision and research into this all to commonly presenting issue. Whilst no guarantee can be given Hypnosis does have a highly regarded and proven track record in helping with smoking cessation.

As always I am only too happy to discuss this or any subject, why not book up for a free no obligation assessment and see how we can work together on whatever issue you may have.
Visit the main site for more in depth articles about this fascinating subject SMOKING PAGE

Keep it hypnotic

Watford and District Hypnotherapy Centre

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