Monday 13 August 2007

Hypnosis to aide Golf

Mental coaching helps you perform better by teaching skills used by world-class golfers. It helps golfers who feel they don't have any control and those who want to play better by improving their focus, concentration, consistency and course-management skills.

Why use hypnosis?

Hypnosis has proven to be the easiest, quickest and most proven way to great mental golf. About 90 percent of the thoughts we think today are the same ones we had yesterday. Our poor golf games are still dominated by negative thoughts and feelings learned in our past and enhanced by our golfing environment. This is why we see the same patterns emerging over and over in our golf games.

How, then, do we change our thinking process?

Research shows that the average person only uses 2 percent of his brainpower. The rest is stored in the subconscious mind. By understanding how the subconscious mind works, you can access the other 98 percent.

The subconscious is the part of your mind that controls the physical movements of your golf swing, just as it has controls your breathing, heartbeat and other internal functions.

Since golf is such a mental game, how can you access this part that controls your body?

Hypnotic suggestion can help you communicate with your subconscious mind and program new ideas in your golf game for success. These new ideas must include positive self-talk, belief in your potential, having a reachable goal, and visualization of superior performance in accomplishing your goal.

How does it work?

When a golfer is in the right state of mind, he can access his peak performance. The zone happens when performance is motivated by the subconscious mind. Playing "in the zone," golfers feel as if they are in a trance. They experience being on automatic pilot as if someone else is swinging the golf club.

In hypnosis, positive suggestions are introduced while in a trance - like state. Contrary to popular belief, you are not asleep. Your mind is actually in a heightened state of awareness while the physical body is relaxed.

In this state, the conscious mind is bypassed and positive suggestions are given directly to the subconscious mind. By this process, a new habit of mental programming is established and can be accessed without interference from the conscious mind, which analyzes, criticizes, judges, and rationalizes.

Your subconscious mind is like a computer. It has to operate on this programming.

The use of hypnosis in sports is nothing new In 1955, the British Medical Association approved the use of hypnosis in the field of medicine, followed by approval of the American Dental Association in 1957 and the American Medical Association in 1958.
One sport psychologist for a US Olympic Team said that 80 to 90% of an thlete's performance is in the mind. This involves using your imagination, your thought processes and your attitudes to provide incentive, support, reinforcement and refinement of your physical skills.

Keep it Hypnotic


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