Saturday 4 August 2007

Low confidence holding you back ?

The causes behind low confidence or self esteem are many and varied. It may be that your parents were too critical of you as a child (and even today as an adult), or a teacher embarrassed you in front of the class or a you made a mistake at work.

It is your perception of what happens to you that makes the difference. In a debate with your peers you may lose an argument and feel your confidence or self esteem has been dented. Another person might lose the argument but manage to keep their confidence and esteem intact. It really does depend on how you view life.

Good News !

Once you realise that you do have some control over the way you think about matters, you can then start to redirect your perceptions to a more positive and healthier conclusion. Remember that people with confience and a healthy self esteem have life's events happening to them as well. It is how you deal with those events that makes the difference.

If you have learnt to knock yourself and be critical of anything you do, than how can you expect to have a good self image and strong self confidence. There are enough people ready to criticise others or you without you joining their side. So start giving yourself more compliments when things go well to encourage your self belief.

Changing with Hypnotherapy

The hypnotherapist can help you find the cause of your lack of confidence, if a cause exists. He will help you to resolve any past traumas that have contributed to your current thinking. Once this has happened he will help you to view matters in a different way, recognising that the glass can be half full as well as half empty. A lack of confidence can really restrict your life and stop you from grasping the opportunities that come your way. A confident person makes opportunities and as result has more options in life.

If you want to know more click here

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