Sunday 22 November 2009

Why do you not use testimonials on your website?

This is a question I get asked all too often, however the answer is a simple one..being an active member of the UK's largest governing body I am adherent to their code of ethics and abide by their government.

Article 6 of the National Council for Hypnotherapy code of Ethics & Conduct. It states that Advertising, no matter in what form or medium it is placed, shall represent a true picture of the hypnotherapist, their skill base, qualifications, facilities and any benefits that may be expected from hypnosis and shall conform to current advertising law.
Testimonials in any form must not be included To clarify, this means no testimonials of any form can be used to advertise the services of a hypnotherapist, whether it is on the internet or any other form of advertising.
The reason for this is as follows:
1. Testimonials are easy to fabricate: quotes can be made up, letters sent to oneself or they could be from friends and family.
2. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) insists that ant testimonials used must be based on dated and signed documents that are available to be checked. This would break clients’ confidentiality. Even if the therapeutic relationship, for example if they changed their mind after a testimonial was put in the public domain this could cause the therapist problems. The therapist’s role is to provide a service to the client, and to end that relationship as soon as is commensurate with good care. The client is not there to provide a service to the therapist, and using them in this way changes the relationship and falsely extends it.
3. Most other therapy - related bodies and other professional institutions likewise are either specifically or by default, against the use of testimonials However we do want to help therapists to advertise the services they offer wherever possible and in an ethical manner. To help, we have listed below ways in which you can promote your services without breaking the ASA guidelines of our code of Ethics: - 1. You can advertise case studies as long as they are not attributable - for example “I had a client come to me presenting xxxxx symptoms. They came to see me x times and the therapy was ... etc. etc. They are now completely better and back at work and enjoying life."

Hope this helps to clarify...

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