Sunday 14 February 2010


Do you want to become a better golfer?

Need the CONFIDENCE to perform consistently at your PEAK?

Playing golf, like many sports, gives you the chance to exercise while displaying your skills and talents. But to consistently play at the highest level you need to be able to focus and stay motivated.

Any tension or frustration that creeps into your game can put you off completely, upsetting your rhythm, unbalancing your swing and making it difficult to concentrate.

Hypnosis for Golf will help you develop and nurture a positive attitude toward the game. Within the initial hour you'll understand the power of positive thinking as the fuel for all your actions.

With the aid of guided and self hypnosis, we will enable you to influence your subconscious mind, energizing and stimulating every cell in your body. You'll learn how to keep focused for the entire game with the motivation to always play at your peak. You'll find it easier to maintain your intensity and stamina.

Hypnotherapy for Golf will give you the confidence in your abilities to help you become a stronger, better player.

The best example of the successful use of guided imagery or self-hypnosis is Tiger Woods ... and you may be interested to know how to do this for yourself. Continue reading, and all will be revealed further below ...

Woods' ability to produce peak performance by "willing himself into the zone" is unprecedented.

Perhaps his Thai background on his mother's side, has a great influence on his Zen-like approach. But then again, not everyone has the time, patience, and support structure that Tiger has used since the age of 13.

Jay Brunza, a clinical psychologist, was amongst the team that helped Tiger to concentrate better to improve his performance. Brunza taught him mental tricks to increase his concentration and hypnotized Tiger to instil some of his lessons. He even taught the young golfer how to hypnotize himself to get the same results.

If you can get hold of them, watch old video footage of Tiger when he was playing to his best. Notice, how before each shot, he blinks twice on purpose. This is a post-hypnotic trigger, a signal for him to instantly "get into the zone".

It's something that Brunza instilled in him, to allow him to automatically achieve that Zen-like state of mind and perform to his ultimate unconscious best.

You may also notice, when you carefully watch his recent performance, that he's stopped using the post-hypnotic trigger these days, which may be one of the reasons why he's recently not quite on top form, is he?

Golf - Getting into the zone

"Just awesome!"

Well, that's what Luke Ringrose, the golf pro from Horsham Golf and Fitness, UK, said after he had witnessed how powerful this technique is.

I'm sure you can remember a time when you performed an action unconsciously. For example, when you drive a car, you no longer have to think about how to change gear, turn the steering wheel, use the pedals ... it all comes naturally.

And once you have unconscious learning, your actions just naturally flow. The unconscious mind allows you to "get into the zone". This is exactly what Tiger Woods achieved with Jay Brunza's help.

Now, we all have this ability, and when we are in the "zone", that Zen-like calm state of mind, it's easy to just allow our actions to effortlessly flow.

And when on the golf course, this state of mind makes all the difference, as you well know, doesn't it?

The Watford & District Hypnotherapy Centre have more than 6 years in designing delivering and working with client's to improve their golf game...why not book a session today?

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