Thursday 29 October 2009

HYpnosis and Depression

What is hypnosis?

Opinions range from fantastic! to useless, voodoo or witchcraft. Most opinions are based on emotional or 'gut' knowledge that has little to do with honest inquiry or truth.

Most opinions are informed by the media of one sort of another. For example, somebody watching a TV show sees demonstrations and immediately forms a strong idea of what hypnosis is. Funny enough, these same people can watch ER, Monk or other shows and never take them as 'the truth' about emergency rooms or detectives.

Another media source of hypnosis information are stage shows. However, even though a person knows a stage show is purely for entertainment purposes and that some 'staging' is involved, it is still viewed as 'the truth' about hypnosis.

The point to the preceding is that it is common and understandable to form opinions when one is exposed to information but, one must be careful to consider the source.

For example, even though a person sees a stage show and apparently sees people controlled by the hypnotist, there is one small flaw to the reasoning that hypnosis controls people: If hypnosis really were the power to make someone do exactly what you want, then why do we have jails? Couldn't a hypnotist just walk into a jail and turn all those bad guys into law abiding citizens?

No. Never happened and it never will.

Hypnosis does not steal your will-power; it does not give other people control over you; it is not truth serum (people can and do lie while in trance) and it most certainly cannot make you do what you don't want to do. For example, if your spouse makes you see a hypnotist to quit smoking but you aren't ready to quit, you will not--no matter how big a pocket watch the hypnotist swings at you.

A question at this point might be: "Now that I know what hypnosis is not, then what is it?"

Well, before I share with you what hypnosis really is, please take into account that:

(a) I have been practicing hypnosis for over 22 years and

(b) I have taken the time to accomplish very rigorous research because I specialize in the medical applications of hypnosis; especially diabetes because I was going blind from diabetes.

So, here's the truth: Hypnosis is your ability to convince yourself of any belief. Any belief even if that belief is illogical.

Remember: "The heart has reasons whereof the mind knows not."

Hypnosis is a state of mind that every person can access which enables you to rearrange meaningful ideas, concepts, memories, events and meanings.

A salient point from the above is that every person can access trance and, in fact does on a daily basis. The only exception may be those who are severely brain damaged.

Is hypnosis harmful? When most people ask this question what they're really saying is: "Can a hypnotist make me do stupid/harmful things?"

Let's review the preceding definition: "Hypnosis is your ability to convince yourself of any belief." 2 points to consider here:

(1) Have you ever believed or done something that was not in your best interests? Say, smoke or drive to fast or get way too angry or eat/drink more than you know you should?

(2) Friends are known to sometimes persuade us to do stupid, harmful things but who ultimately was responsible for the decision to act on those suggestions?

You. Me. Us. Free will working here. and of itself, hypnosis is not harmful unless you choose to act on an idea or suggestion that could result in harm.

Hopefully by this point you're beginning to be okay with the idea that hypnosis is something that a person should actually learn to use in a positive manner.

Finally, the medical documentation for the use of hypnosis is astonishing and bears reviewing by those who are interested in health answers that can help.

Never Give Up.

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