Sunday 3 January 2010

Self hypnosis is good for you

Hypnotherapy, simply defined, is healing by trance or sleep. A patient under hypnosis is vulnerable because the mind is in a relaxed, altered state in which the subconscious mind is open and highly suggestible. Hypnosis can be self or other-induced. The practice of hypnotherapy can be performed by anyone trained in hypnosis therapy and is usually other-induced. Patients can learn self hypnosis once induced into a hypnotic state. Many hypnotherapists are licensed psychologists who use hypnosis as one of many therapeutic techniques.

The purpose of hypnotherapy, self hypnosis, and other-induced hypnosis is to relax the mind and body in such a way that the conscious and subconscious minds can interact. Hypnotherapy is the only form of therapy in which the therapist attempts to connect with the patient’s subconscious mind. Traditional “talk” therapy occurs between a therapist and an alert patient.

Hypnotherapy is used to treat a wide variety of disorders- not all psychological. Common uses are to break habits such as smoking or nail-biting, for weight loss, to enhance the memory, and to conquer phobias or traumatic memories. Hypnotherapy self hypnosis has also been used in patients for pain management. The theories of hypnotherapy are used in acupuncture, visualization techniques, and bio-feedback.

Utilizing Hypnotherapy Self Hypnosis . In hypnotherapy, self hypnosis, and having the patient learn to perform self hypnosis, is all-important. This is how the patient will maintain new behaviors and thought processes when outside of the therapist’s office. Hypnotherapists may utilize the traditional hypnosis induction method which patients can use at home. Patients should practice 10-30 minutes a day at home, lying down in a quiet room with as few distractions as possible.

A white noise machine is helpful to block out outdoor sounds. When a patient becomes well-trained at hypnotherapy self hypnosis, he/she will be able to induce hypnosis almost anywhere and surrounded by any noise level. Physical relaxation must be achieved before mental relaxation. The Jacobson Progressive Relaxation Procedure is a good way to start. In this method, individuals tense and release all the muscles, beginning at the feet and ending at the head. Doing deep breathing simultaneously will increase relaxation. Individuals should then countdown from 20 to 0 or 100 to 0.

This will induce a hypnotic state in which the patient is open to suggestibility. At this time, individuals can begin positive self-talk or imagery exercises in which “I” statements are made. For example, “I am smoking less and my health is getting better every day.” Or individuals can picture images of themselves being successful at quitting smoking. When positive imagery and self-talk is complete, individuals can simply open their eyes and resume normal activities. Hypnotherapy self hypnosis helps people accomplish goals and realize their potential while banishing bad behaviors and giving positive feedback to good behaviors.

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